
  • Tell us about an incredible woman you know

If you know of an extraordinary woman who is breaking glass ceilings, world records, or advocating change and championing their communities – we’d love to hear about them. Let us know by filling out the form below and we might feature them on our site and social media – truly exceptional women may also find themselves invited to the annual lunch and awards

Select Award Category
Kindly Enter Nominee Company
Kindly Enter Company Address
Kindly Enter Nominee Email
Enter Your Name and Designation
Enter Your Phone Number
Enter Name Of Who You Are Submitting Nomination On Behalf Of

Awards process for the organization or company categories:
Eligibility Criteria:
The organization or company must be operational in the mining or energy sector.
The organization or company must demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion.
The organization or company must have implemented initiatives or programs that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The organization or company must have a minimum of 10 employees.
The organization or company must be headquartered or have a significant presence in the region.
Awards Process:
Nomination: Organizations or companies can nominate themselves or be nominated by a third party.
Application: Nominees must submit an application, including:
Company profile
Description of diversity and inclusion initiatives
Evidence of impact and results
Testimonials from employees or stakeholders
Review: Applications will be reviewed by a panel of judges, considering:
Commitment to diversity and inclusion
Impact of initiatives on gender equality and women’s empowerment
Innovation and creativity of programs
Evidence of results and impact
Shortlisting: A shortlist of finalists will be selected and announced.
Winner Selection: The winner will be selected from the shortlist and announced at the Awards ceremony.
Awards Ceremony: The winner will receive a trophy and recognition at the Awards ceremony.
Judging Criteria:
Commitment to diversity and inclusion (20%)
Impact of initiatives on gender equality and women’s empowerment (30%)
Innovation and creativity of programs (20%)
Evidence of results and impact (30%)
Awards Categories:
Best Diversity and Inclusion Initiative
Best Women’s Empowerment Program
Best Gender Equality Initiative
Best Inclusive Workplace Culture

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